The Solution Reuse Refill Programme

The Solution is a unique and highly innovative programme that has been developed to remove your Single Use Plastic waste problem. This covers all the key chemical products used across the different areas of your Home. Furthermore due to high concentration levels significant Cost in Use savings are achievable.

In the UK, most of the commercial single use plastic (SUP) is just that – single use.  It goes to landfill, is incinerated, or exported as there is insufficient capacity in the UK waste management system to manage the quantity of SUP waste generated.

Whilst there are policy initiatives coming forward in the B2C arena, there is little focus on commercial SUP consumption and more specifically within the commercial cleaning product supply chain. With Scope 3 reporting challenges on the horizon, businesses are struggling to find tangible solutions.

The Plastic Solution is a circular economy solution which mitigates your single use plastic waste across your cleaning products.

What is the product?

The Plastic Solution comprises three elements:

  1. The products – a full range of high quality Ecolabel licensed commercial cleaning products, from toilet cleaner to rinse aid, manufactured in the UK.
  2. The containers – each product is supplied in our unique reuse, refill 5 or 10 litre containers with our patented cap and valve. We install our easy to use controlled dosage system in the most appropriate location for your business.
  3. The return, refill process – we pick up your empty containers at the same time we deliver your new stock and refill them with the same product

How do you save single use plastic waste?

We take away your empty containers and refill them with the same product – we can do this because of our specially developed air-tight containers. By using our system, you are not producing any plastic waste.